Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pets world 2014

last weekend, just before welcoming the beautiful month of July,  i have the opportunity to work for Petswonderland in pets world fair 2014.
It was a weekend  3 days event held in Mid Valley exhibition hall.
What inspired me to write this post is because i really felt something throughout this event and i would really like to share it out. What drive me to write is because of what i have seen with my own eyes during the event.

So, it was a pets fair, customers are allow to bring their own dog to the fair provided they follow the following rules:

Unfortunately, when i was working there, i noticed a lot of visitors actually ignore the DO & DON'ts. you can still see some visitors allow their pets to pee and poo on the carpet or everywhere, most terrible of all is that they don't even bother to clean up their pets leftover at all. I even saw some of them just walked away after their pets finished their business. For me, i would say that this is a very inconsiderate act. There are thousand of people walking in and out of the fair, and the place to be frank is very crampy and squeezy. Other visitor who did not pay attention to it might ended up stepping on the poo and pees. And i am not exaggerating it, i do saw few times people cleaning up their feet at toilet because of this.

Besides, some also ignore the rules to leash their dogs when they enter! This is very important and also why the organization choose to highlight this rules. Leashing the dog not only because for safety precaution but also to be considerate to others who might not allow to get contact with dog for example like muslim. we all know the fact that they are not allowed to touch the dog, leaving the dog unchain and believing that it is well trained enough is a totally wrong idea.

During the second day of the event, one particular owner bring over 4 doggies without leashing them , she thought she could handle them well. but the truth is the other way round.
the doggy get excited and starting to running around the hall causing big kaos among visitors and also some muslim. I heard muslim shouting and yelling and cursing. This would leave a very bad impression for muslim about the pets world crew ability to control the event. They never think that what if they went to complain and this fair is forever banded to held again? Besides muslim, leaving the dog unleash is also a very dangerous act. This is because during the fair, there is hundred of doggy there regardless of size and breed. Doggy who never come across this kind of situation might have fear and anxiousty. If they wasn't chained properly they might end up fighting with other dog or creating accident to others. We cannot blame the dog for having this kind of act but the owner themselves must be responsible for it.

Other than these unpleasant incident, i still find the fair very interesting and fun experience. I get to see my favourite dog of all times!!!
tibetan mustiff!
it was prohibited to have it in malaysia. The organization only get the approver to shift from tibet to for this pet fair purpose. Whenever the tibetan is around, the crowd is there, Everyone is squeezing to take picture with this big giant dog. It was taking care by two bodyguard of its own.

Not only doggy! there is a lot of other animals in the fair such like cars, rabbits,hamsters,guinea pigs, turtle, fish and etc.

another unforgettable animal i saw is FOX!
yes you heard me no wrong, FOX!
when i saw it i thought it was a chihuahua.
till i find the size extremely odd and small and i asked the guy incharge and he told me it was a fox~
The fox was imported all the way far from Egypt and cost RM20,000. very very big figure. let alone the maintenance of it.
But it really impress me alot. Fox is very smart animal. they look extremely lovely with those really big ears that help to detect single noises far away.

Apart from all these fun experiences, i would like to talk about my after feeling for this work.
it was a pleasant experience to work for petswonderland @pro plan booth.
i was a  cashier for them because i once worked for them for 9 months period.
i enjoyed the atmosphere there. we talked and laughed and have a lots of fun.
The boss of Proplan buys us expensive high tea everyday too. things like TWG macarons and starbucks drinks.
thanks to my sister who is the marketing executive for petswonderland, i get to know a lot of supplier and big boss from other company brand introduced by my sister. In the gap i get to explore another business to make money which i am really grateful of my sister.

the three days fair was wrapped up by very good sales and also dinner treat by Proplan boss again.
it was very very tiring job as i have to wake up very early in the morning but end work very late at night.
but i do learned a lot of very crucial lessons from this work.

First of all, i learned to be a responsible dog owner, to take good care of my dog when he is out and also the right way to take care of them including the knowledge of feeding them the right food. even though i have been working at pets shop before but i think learning is a forever process which will not stop.

Also, i learned the right way to social. I always thought i am quite good enough to social. but that was all my own thought. during the interaction with my sister and her big boss friends, i realize i was wrong. My sister was far way more a good social butterfly than me. she knows when to say the right thing, when to give and take, when to seize the opportunity to push the company sales and reputation. for one very good example, during the last night, they suggested to go for dinner after work.At that very moment i was very tired and instantly i said no, i am very tired and i want to go home. but my sister actually agree to the deal. moments after that, my sister told me that to be a successful corporate person you must learn to give and take. even you don't feel like doing so you still have to say yes, because that is how the world run. If you offended anyone higher rank above you you might lose your job the very next minute.

Her word makes me think a lot. I'm still fresh and green in this world. there is still tons of knowledge and lessons waiting for me to learn. and i really hope that learning all these doesn't change me to become a complicated person. despite how the world goes, i still hope to keep myself simple.

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