Thursday, July 31, 2014

Penang trip during raya

the purpose of me writing this post is because i experienced something very different and i have never faced it before in my life.

this raya holiday, my family decided to go Penang for a two days one night holiday trip. why we choose raya? this is because its the only time where everyone of us is on holiday and have spare time.
we set off on friday mid night, and i am the driver as mummy is old and have eye sight problem in night. at first, i choose to leave at mid night because i thought it will be less traffic jam. BUT! out of my expectation , when i left my house at 3am and reach highway at 4am, the highway was jam packed with cars!!!

everywhere rest room i stopped is full of crowd. mostly malay of course. Suddenly i am thinking in my mind why the hell would i make myself in this situation?

the traffic is super exaggerating bad! it took me 10 hours to reach Penang whereby people normally only spend 6 hours~ and the jam causing me have to keep pressing my break, i almost cant feel my leg anymore when i stopped. Also, i accidentally bumped into a Kancil backside on the way. Thank God the car just got a bit scratch and the car owner did not want me to compensate him. But my car bumper was half gone~ i got a bad scolding from my mum which make my driving journey more gloomy.

when i reach Penang, i was super exhausted that the only things i do is sleep,sleep, and sleep. i could not wake up to do anything despite how my mum try to drag me out.So, the moment when i am finally conscious, its already the last day of my trip.  we were already checking out the hotel. so, in short, I DID NOT VISIT ANYWHERE. out of my very unwillingness and sadness, my mum finally took me to batu ferringi for a luxurious seafood lunch which make me feel so much better and comfort. this is the only thing i do in Penang.

After that, we return to KL. Malaysia is such a wonderful country that it give me a chance to really take a look at the mountain and the field. why do i say so? because during the journey back i spent another 10 hours of driving!!!! the slow moving traffic give me the great chance to count the amount of AES on the road. i think i even can remember how many R&R on the road. I LOVE MALAYSIA.

In conclusion, what did i learnt from this trip?
I learnt that i will never ever ever go anywhere during big holiday occasion anymore!! this is to avoid from the heavy traffic jam and also to avoid family war. because bad temper from driving lead to frustration and lead to war. yes.
secondly, for the first time in my life i actually learnt that i can actually sleep for that long. it was a new discovery and i am very happy with that discovery. Apart from that i also learnt that i should always schedule my trip before i set off and never every trust WAZE anymore but only GOOGLE NAVIGATION  because WAZE lead me to a further route. also i learnt to always go toilet first before i start my journey because before i reach the highway there is no toilet for me and i almost burst my urinary bladder on the road.

still, it was a pleasant trip because i get to spent quality time with families and also to enjoy our country beautiful scenery. i will not want to go back there again . thank you.

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