Saturday, March 27, 2010

for U...

esterday..while i was chatting v him....he told me tat he decided to change himself...coz someone say tat his is too straight forward in talking to hurt and humiliate them...'s true tat sometimes wat he said is think from another aspect...wat he said is true too..he dun speak nonsense...he onli speak when he think tat tat ppl actually act and behave lik tat...

For example..he always lik to say tat i dun act n look lik a rough and violence...><
when i always lik to borrow others ppl book and copy answer rather then doing myself..he will oso scold me...><

eventhough i feel humiliated and when i get home and think seriously..actually wat he said is true wat...there's nothing to be angry of or feel humiliate of...忠言逆耳...
is juz tat the problems lay with the way he speak...he juz need to change the way he speak...

For me..i dun think tat being straight forwards is wrong..bcoz in nowadays...ppl who r willing to point out ur fault doesn reli exist least they help u to realize ur problems so tat u won't fall deeper....

at least they won't lik someone who onli noe how to say yes to watever ppl said...

one should not always want to listen to good word advices too...

he must has been down bcoz of tis...U....dun think too much...juz be who u r...
nobody dislike u actually...juz remain the way u r...
cheer up man~
get it???

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