Thursday, June 19, 2014

why i love listening to music

This is a very random post.
i am listening to my blog music right now.
and what inspired me to write this blog today is i would like to share the reason why i love music so much.
Music has always been a inspiration to me. without music a lot of things wouldn't be able to accomplished. That's how important music are to me.

I will listened to any kind of music. Regardless of genre and singers. If the music fits my feelings and emotion, that will be my ''repeating'' songs for time. I love R&B, I love mood music, I love instrumental music, I love old school music. each type of music gives me different emotional expression.

I am that kind of girl that will easily get lead by music. If its a happy music i will feel happy and cheerful, singing along with it. If its a sad music i will get drag by the songs. I know its a bad habit to get feeling controlled by music but i guess i just can't deny that certain music really just captivate my heart and i couldn't help myself but to indulge myself into the feelings of the song writer.

Music with a true story behind it always been my favorite playlist. I couldn't live a day without listening to music. everywhere i go, my mp3 will always be with me. Music calms me down when i am having mixed feelings, music make me happy when i am down. music makes me emo too. And among all, Music definitely heal my wounds. 

Currently, my favorite music would be my blog music. "someday" by korean singer IU.
This is one of the reason why i love music .
the meaning behind the songs. THE LYRICS.
sometimes it is so so true and it bring tons of meaning to me.
when im heart broken , i'll listen to songs that will bring my spirit up and helps me to stand firm again.
i still remember during my healing period, i used to have a long playlist of Jay Chou emo songs in my mp3, i will listened to it everyday. The more i listened to it the more i trap myself there. They said "Dont listen to Jay chou when you are just out of a realationship because the songs will definitely kill you".
I agree! 
every songs of him seem to be speaking out what am i thinking in my mind. What am i trying to say to others.
But this bring my emotion from bad to worst. 
So one day, an anonymous friend deleted all of my emo songs and insert all club songs when i wasn't paying attention . At first i was really mad at him, i felt angry. 
But sooner i will thank him for that.
lesser emo songs, lesser tears. That is all i have to say about it .HAHA!

and back to IU songs, she has always been one a favorite artist of me, and why is this song mean so much to me is because one verse of the lyrics goes like this

Everyday I hold out comforting myself “it’ll be alright”
But it makes me afraid little by little
I tell myself to believe in myself, but I don’t
Now I don’t know how longer I can hold out

But wait it’ll come
Although the night is long, the sun comes up
Someday my painful heart will get well

I hope this tears will stop running someday
Someday after this darkness clear up
I hope the warm sunshine dries these tears

Yes! no matter how bad is the situation, SOMEDAY it will get better.
No matter how many tears you shed before, SOMEDAY you will find you laughter back.

I really wonder how much pain she has gone through before she finally able to compose such a wonderful song. Music has been part of my life since very young age. No music, No life!

my promoter life

Today, i would like to share something which is a part of my life.
not only studying, also i work as a promoter during weekend. although some may question if i really got the spare time to do so, but i am here to say that i am not doing it for spare time,but for living.

i have been working as a promoter ever since i came to KL, which was two years back.Our work time is only on weekend, 12pm-9pm. my friend introduce me this job. after undergoing a few times of interview i begin to work officially.

I work in  a famous pharmacist store in Mid Valley. I still remember when i first started work, i was totally like an idiot. I have no idea how to approach customers, how to mingle and make friends with other staff there. It was tough in the first place.Also i couldn't stand standing whole day long. It was hard for me to sell my product as i am lack of experience and courage.Also i mentioned before in my previous post, i used to be a shy and  timid girl. Can you imagine how difficult for me to survive in this work field where everyone is so aggressive and care about their sales report?

I was lectured by a few senior staff there. They told me " if you want to survive in this field you got to learn to be selfish and strong and aggressive, money doesn't just drop down from heaven."

I guess i wasn't so sure about the meaning at that time. Some people there are mean. They will try to bring you down at all mean. This is because whenever a new promoter occur, it become a threat for them.  Gossips drama often happened there. Environment very soon drives me to change.

I re-join the training session for my products. Trying to improved myself better. Not only that, i trained myself to become more courageous  in approaching customers. i observed how other people did it and try to do it even better myself. It was a long process. When time passed, i begin to master the skills.

Most important of all, i have learned the beauty of complimenting other people. I mean, who don't like to get praise?

As time goes by, i begin to make a lot  of friends there. They respect my effort in fighting to become a better worker.  My sales have increased from bad to good. I feel satisfied when my boss gave me good comment.

Two years have pass, and i am still on the work field. I appreciate this working experience. Because it gives me a early chance to have a look at how the society are and also to be a early learner to learn the surviving skills in this world.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Love is not all that matters

so recently there is a topic that keeps going around in my mind.
i know some of you might thinks that it might be a little early for me to discuss about this topic but just a thought of sharing it .

what inspired me to write this post is because of a past fail relationship i have been through.  although its had been more than half year from now but i have been wanting to say this.

how i feel throughout this relationship?
hmm..i once said i felt remorseful for having this relationship, but now when i think back, i do really grateful for having this experience. they said, every relationship shapes a women to become stronger. i could not agree more with this. 

back in 2013, i am a girl who has very low sense of self esteem. i always think very lowly of myself. i found myself very incompatible. And definitely i do not have confident in myself. Till i met HIM. the one that changed my life forever.

He taught me to be strong. to have faith in myself and always inspired me a lot. He encouraged me, praised me and had always gave me positive energy. the time we spent together is nothing but happiness in everyday. i once really grateful to God for sending such a wonderful man into my life. he is smart, intelligent, outspoken, person with great mind. being in a relationship is all about learning from each other. And i do pick up a lot from him.

But unfortunately, good times always doesn't last long. Maybe i'm just not the person that he thinks who can finish the course with him. and so he left me. without asking for the real reason i have decided to let him go. it might seem like i do not care about the relationship or i do not appreciate enough to let him go that easily. but actually i do care about this than anyone else. but my believes is always that those who choose to leave,  there is no point asking them to stay. never ask for reason why they left you, because the answer will never ever be what you expect to hear. 

So the first week is hell. yes, HELL! nothing i can do but cry in bed everyday. i thought i could not live without him. but soon, i realize that i still got a life to live. So I've tried very very, extremely hard to pick myself up. i work like a workaholic everyday. i hang out with friends everyday.distract myself just to not think about him anymore. but the harder you try, the more you could not get him out of your mind.
its been a really hard time. and there are also times where i gone astray. i have friends who backstabbed my during that period and goes around helping me to share my story. it break my heart, but it also a chance to let me have a clear picture of who is indeed the true friend.

But thank GOD! all these had passed. time flushed away pain, what's left behind is memories. what makes me able to pull through all these shit is thanks to people around me.
been through all these makes me realize that i actually do have a lot of friends that cares about me more than i can imagine. and one more things i believed is that WHATEVER HAPPENS, YOUR FAMILY WILL ALWAYS BACK YOU UP. i am showered with a lot of loves and caring from tons of people.This strikes me that it is useless for me to still keep dwelling on sadness.

Now, my mindset has changed. i should be thankful for it. every guy that comes in and walk away from your life is to give you a life lesson. what he taught me before i still bear it in my mind. i practiced it everyday.
i am no longer the naive girl .I've learnt to think before i talk, to have confidence in myself, and also never look down on myself anymore. I've read a lot of books to help me change my mindset. what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. Now that i saw him leading a happy life with his new mate, i am proud of myself because i can really let everything behind and bless him wholeheartedly. 

And of course among all, i have learnt to appreciate every single little things that happened in my life. others see it might said i dramatize everything. but the fact is that i just want them to know that i actually appreciate a lot for what they have done for me.not only that, i also learnt that it is very important for me to always upgrade myself, physically and mentally and to be fit enough before i could actually start to love anyone else again. my learning journey is still a long way up ahead waiting for me. and everyday i am excited because i have never love my life like nowadays. not that now my life has no problems or what, but is that now whenever things happens, i know what i have to do, what i am suppose to do to solve the problems instead of just running away from problem . i will still get frustration and anger , but I've learnt not to release it on other people. they said that when you set your thought and mindset on the right track, you will feel happy and young everyday.
my heart was filled with hatred and sadness last time, blinded with negatives. this will never happens again. i promised myself.

Now, my everyday goals is to improve myself better and better and cherish everything that God has put in my life. And also, to laugh happily everyday. HAHAHAHA!!

(*sorry for grammatical error, that is one of the things that i am currently trying to improve =P .)

thank you for spending time to read

Monday, June 2, 2014

friends visitation

Last weekend was a very hectic and busy week for me.
my friend came to visit us from Singapore.
that makes me a tourist guide for him.

On saturday,my friend arrived and pick us up.
firstly we went to sunway pyramid for lunch.
we took our lunch at pasta zanmai.
His friends who never visit KL seem very excited and non stop taking picture.
after that we were just shopping around the mall. 

around 4pm we went to check in hotel. it was a hotel nearby sunway.
we took a rest and get ready at 8pm. 
we planned to go sunway soju. so after having dinner we went to the club.
it was my first time there, the atmosphere and feeling was really nice.
it was a very big and classy place where i can see a lot of really pretty girls there. 
i like that place a lot.
they are not as noisy as other club as they have really professional live band there.
we enjoyed ourself very much there.

we went back around 3am. 
i was slightly tipsy that day.

the next day, we woke up at 10am.
we ready ourselves and check out at 12pm.

we went to sri petaling to have our lunch and last minute decided to head up to Genting Highlands for a spin.
it took us around 1 hour drive.
the air was really refreshing and cold up there. as the theme park was closed, we were just chilling around the shopping mall. have some hot drinks and food.
we saw some performance there too. such like magic shows and hot chicks dance group.

around 5pm we left there. i was too tired and i fall asleep during the journey. 
when i woke up i was at times square already.
they decided to visit there as they really been wanting to go there.
we took BBQ plaza as our dinner then carry on to shopping.
then they sent me home and head back to perak, their hometown.

it was really a tired and busy weekend. i have never been so exhausted for a long time already. 
i slept very early that day. 

throughout this journey, there was some mistakes ive made.I've forget to book hotel for them and it caused a little trouble as we spent too much time on searching the hotel and got us all very tired. Next time i will learnt mt lesson and not doing last minute job anymore. and also i forgot to look properly for the map of the mall and we got lost on the way going there.i'll take extra caution on this next time.