Thursday, August 21, 2014

important of savings

money plays an important part in our life.
as chinese sayings goes,
"money is not all, but we cannot survive without money "

so recently because of heavy workload and stress, i develop a very bad short term habit of being spendthrift, i have no idea why this habit exists to me out of the sudden.

I went to work as usual on a saturday, instead of working and earn more commission, i went walking around the mall and start looking for food and drinks.

apart from that, I walk in Charles and Keith planning just to look around but i ended up buying a bag.
after i end my job, some magic spell caused me to walk in Robbison and i end up walking out with three bags of stuff that i have purchase.

that night alone i bought bracelet ,perfume, bag and wallet. But i feel extremely happy about it.

there comes the problem.
the day after that, i fall sick again. and this time the fever doesn go off and it last for a week. i started to worry if it is dengue.
so my friend bought me to a clinic and have a blood test on dengue. first I would like to thank God coz its not dengue, but just sickness due to irregular lifestyle.

but when the bill come, I got shock and i got emo for a short period. It was RM200 . a 100 bucks for that bloody blood test. why they poke me with a needle and still ask money from me?
is it what they call, pay money buy pain?

anyway, I am regret that i shouldn't spend so much that day and cause my savings to gone a lot now.
we should always always save money for emergency.

I told myself i will never impulsive buying again and i will stay away from mall when i am having stress.

Bar list

As everyone knows, Utar have a very special system which is called the ''bar list''
i guess i will not have to explain further on what is it.
SOOO, yes i have been barred from english for mass communication subject.
i have skipped the total hours of 8 hours for this class which lead to barring.

the reason i skipped that much of hours is because most of the time i am either sick, or i am back to hometown or i have something urgent corp up.

but still i cannot skip my blame for this. As a student attendance should be our priority.
therefore, i wrote an appeal letter to the lecturer for this subject to appeal for unbar.

i promise i will take note of it and try my best to fufill my responsibility as a student.
I promised this will not happen again.

Final exam

Final exam is around the corner for all Utar students. it drops on the 3th of september till 12th of september.
Usually i only study my final when i have a week or less to do so .
that is because i perceived a mindset that even if i Study early also useless as i will tend to forget what i have read.

But up to this semester, i changed my mindset. that is because when i look back my semester result in the past, i only get  CGPA atmost 2.8 only, and that is for a last minute preparation. and this result is definitely not enough to impress our future boss in the working field. therefore, i have determine to quit last minute study.

I will print out all the notes before hand and always revise them when i have free time.
this is because i believe that practice makes perfect and i believe that i definitely can achieve more than that.

final is just next week, i really hope that by the time i can be ready and this time my target is 3pointer and higher!



Health is very important to all as we all know.
without a healthy body we can't live longer and enjoy our dream.
here is why it inspired me to write this blog.

last month i went back Muar Hospital and did a check up.
i have a very weak body from others since young.
and because of family history diseases too, i am obligated to do a check up every half a year.

the first two years when i am here in KL to study i always skipped my check up because i think that i am still healthy and fit.but after years of irregular eating meal and sleeping time, i could obviously feel that my body i going downstream.

I often get sick in the year of 2014. I will get fever every month and forced to visit a doctor then. And it affects my life and activities, i feel weak when i am doing exercise, i feel weak if i have walk or stand for a period of time. and most of the time i am very tired and i need sleep a lot. this should'nt be happen to 20 years old teenagers like me

So i claimed my report last thursday. the doctor said i have constantly high blood pressure and reminds me to take care of it before it turn serious and i will have to take MICARDIS for the rest of my life. and also he encourage me to eat more healthy.

after that incident, i am very worry about my health. I dont want to die young, i still have a lot of things to do.
therefore, i decided that i will take good care of my body now onwards and never negotiate with it. I will sleep more early and exercise healthy lifestyle. I want to grow old and die as an old women with lots of grand child surrounding me, but not in a hospital bedsheet. i really realize how important health is to us now.