Thursday, August 21, 2014


Health is very important to all as we all know.
without a healthy body we can't live longer and enjoy our dream.
here is why it inspired me to write this blog.

last month i went back Muar Hospital and did a check up.
i have a very weak body from others since young.
and because of family history diseases too, i am obligated to do a check up every half a year.

the first two years when i am here in KL to study i always skipped my check up because i think that i am still healthy and fit.but after years of irregular eating meal and sleeping time, i could obviously feel that my body i going downstream.

I often get sick in the year of 2014. I will get fever every month and forced to visit a doctor then. And it affects my life and activities, i feel weak when i am doing exercise, i feel weak if i have walk or stand for a period of time. and most of the time i am very tired and i need sleep a lot. this should'nt be happen to 20 years old teenagers like me

So i claimed my report last thursday. the doctor said i have constantly high blood pressure and reminds me to take care of it before it turn serious and i will have to take MICARDIS for the rest of my life. and also he encourage me to eat more healthy.

after that incident, i am very worry about my health. I dont want to die young, i still have a lot of things to do.
therefore, i decided that i will take good care of my body now onwards and never negotiate with it. I will sleep more early and exercise healthy lifestyle. I want to grow old and die as an old women with lots of grand child surrounding me, but not in a hospital bedsheet. i really realize how important health is to us now.

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